Why Hire a Heifer Grower?

  • We have 30+ years of dairy experience
  • Ability to work and manage heifers in order to vaccinate and get them bred in a timely fashion
  • Health and vaccine protocols required prior to arriving at Marshland Acres
  • We work closely with our veterinarian, feed consultant, and financial advisor
  • We take pride in raising a high quality heifer
  • Monthly nutritionist visits
  • Feed intakes monitored through EZ Feed


“The team at Marshland Acres has been very good to work with over the years. Heifers come back in excellent condition and at an appropriate age. When they come back to the dairy, heifers are always calm, which speaks highly of how they are handled at Marshland Acres. The staff is always easy to work with when it comes to coordinating heifer transportation to and from the dairy.”

- Darrin Young, Emerald Spring Dairy

“We appreciate the time, care, and technique that Marshland Acres puts into raising high quality, healthy animals. They are efficient and timely with reproduction, great communication, organized, and accurate and complete with all record keeping. The heifers that we receive back are well grown, with a very calm demeanor and well prepared for advancing into our milking herd!

Not only do they raise great quality heifers, but they also take care of their customers. The people involved in Marshland Acres are top quality! They are fun, hardworking, caring people that strive to meet the needs of their customers!

We couldn’t be happier with the quality of animals and the new friendships we have been blessed with!”

- Laura Raatz, Wagner Farms